
I mean who DOESN'T want to just make stuff explode for shits and giggles?

we don't always get what we want..

idiot faggot who blew up hand trying to kill cheerleaders

I'm going to mention this guy first: Cole Carini
Cole, an incel who decided making a bomb to target cheerleaders. He decided to make TATP....oh how stupid.
TATP is a highly unstable explosive and of course because of that his whole plan blew up in his face. Literally.
He was heavily injured, as you can see in the before and after photo and to top if off he lost some fingers ^_^
If that didn't suck enough, may I add he was was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Abingdon to 84 months in federal prison.

no girl is worth that LMAO

I find it a little amusing both cases involve girls. Cole was trying to blow up cheerleaders,
and the kid above was this russian teen who blew off his hand trying to make a bomb to impress a girl.
No girl, friend, internet trend, or whatever the fuck is worth this shit, alright?
Shall I also add, if you're some edgy kid thinking you're going to get pay back at your peers
by blowing them up, you'll probably just disable yourself first and you know what? THEN your life will suck.


This kid was using some leftover fireworks in an attempt to make a sparkler bomb.
He was 15-year-old, and: lost part of his leg, multiple fingers and permanently blinded.

god, now they ruined littering

ok now this one is just fucking sad. basically the chick above?
a girl who had a dry-ice bomb blow up in her face because she saw some kids throw the bottle,
and thought they were littering so she went to pick it up and it exploded.
she recieved a lot of burns from the explosion.
if you're gonna make bombs, atleast do it away from other people, you wouldn't wanna hurt yourself and MUCH LESS SOMEONE ELSE!!!!

Still not enough? Alright, lets say the legal problems

If a person is caught with a homemade explosive, they can face various legal problems.
These problems can arise from the violation of local, state, and federal laws, as well as the potential harm that can be caused to individuals and property.
The following paragraphs will discuss the legal problems that can occur in this situation.

1. Possession of Explosives without a License

Possessing a homemade explosive without a license is illegal in many jurisdictions.
Laws regarding the possession of explosives vary from state to state,
but generally, individuals must have a license or permit to possess, transport, or manufacture explosives.
Violating these laws can lead to criminal charges, including fines, imprisonment, or both.

2. Unlawful Manufacture or Distribution of Explosives

Creating or distributing homemade explosives can also result in legal problems.
Many countries and states have strict regulations on the manufacture and distribution of explosives to prevent their misuse.
Manufacturing or distributing explosives without the appropriate licenses or permits can lead to criminal charges, including imprisonment and fines.

3. Intent to Cause Harm or Destruction

If the intent behind creating or possessing a homemade explosive is to cause harm or destruction, the individual can face even more severe legal consequences.
Depending on the severity of the intended harm, the individual may be charged with terrorism, conspiracy to commit a crime, or other related offenses.
These charges can result in lengthy prison sentences, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record.

4. Negligence or Recklessness

If the individual’s handling of the homemade explosive is negligent or reckless,
they may be held liable for any damage or injuries caused by the device.
This can result in civil lawsuits and additional criminal charges, depending on the severity of the negligence or recklessness.

5. Risk to Public Safety

The mere possession or creation of a homemade explosive can put public safety at risk.
Law enforcement officers and emergency responders may be required to evacuate the area, which can cause significant disruption and inconvenience to the public.
In some cases, the individual may be charged with creating a public nuisance or creating a hazardous situation.
In conclusion, being caught with a homemade explosive can lead to a variety of legal problems, including possession of explosives
without a license, unlawful manufacture or distribution of explosives, intent to cause harm or destruction, negligence or
recklessness, and risk to public safety. To avoid these legal problems, individuals should refrain from possessing, manufacturing,
or distributing homemade explosives without proper authorization and adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.

You're probably some random teenager anyways...so somethings to keep in mind are

Juvenile Justice System

Minors who are caught with homemade explosives will generally be processed through the juvenile justice system rather than the adult
criminal justice system. The specific procedures and consequences within the juvenile justice system vary depending on the
jurisdiction. However, the primary goal of the juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate and reintegrate young offenders into
society rather than focusing solely on punishment.
In the juvenile justice system, minors may face a range of consequences, including probation, counseling, community service, mandatory
educational programs, or placement in a juvenile detention facility. The severity of these consequences will depend on various
factors such as the age of the minor, the nature of the offense, and any prior criminal history.

Long-Term Consequences

Aside from immediate legal problems, minors caught with homemade explosives may also face long-term consequences
that can impact their future prospects. These consequences can include:

Criminal Record: A conviction related to homemade explosives will likely result in a permanent criminal record for the minor.
This record can have significant implications for future employment opportunities, educational pursuits, and personal relationships.

Restricted Rights: Depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the offense, minors may face restrictions on certain rights and privileges.
These can include limitations on travel, firearm ownership, voting rights, and eligibility for government assistance programs.

Educational Impact: Minors involved in legal issues related to homemade explosives may face disciplinary actions from their schools
or educational institutions. This can lead to suspensions or expulsions, affecting their academic progress and future
educational opportunities.